
Vaccination for Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHDV2) are now available. Please fill out the form below to schedule an appointment for your pet.


What is RHDV2?

Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD) is a lethal virus that affects rabbits but no other species. RHD has been present in Europe and Australia since the 1970s, but began to emerge in the US several years ago. RHDV2 affects both wild and domestic rabbits and approximately 75% of RHDV2 cases are lethal. Although there are no documented cases of RHDV2 in Maine at this time, outbreaks have been confirmed in locations as close as New York, Connecticut, and Quebec.

Should I vaccinate my rabbit?

The best protection against RHDV2 is vaccination. Although RHDV2 vaccines have been available in Europe for many years, it is only very recently that a vaccine (made by a company called Medgene) has been approved for use in the state of Maine. The Medgene vaccine is under the FDA’s EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). This means that the vaccine is considered safe but that efficacy studies are still ongoing. The Medgene vaccine is expected to be granted full authorization once those studies are complete.